The basics of side and straight bets were discussed in the previous article, Strategic Wagering Major League Baseball. Understanding these basics will help you to understand strategic and tactical betting. You are a MLB fan and you follow the teams and players. You probably know all of the facts and statistics of most teams if you are a true fan. If you’re a fan of the sport, then it is likely that you know a team’s potential for winning or losing. You’re ready to compare your MLB analytical skills and knowledge with those of a professional handicapper. You should have a basic knowledge of over/under, straight bets (money lines), run lines, and money line wagering. Next, consider more complex wagering such as parlays, specified pitchers, and if bets 2up sports.
Major League Baseball has the highest level of volatility and uncertainty among all sports. Many sports fans can remember incredible statistics, facts and history about their team. Some of these statistics may appear trivial to the casual observer. For example, the pitcher’s ERA for day games versus night games, or the record of wins and losses when a certain umpire sits behind the plate. They aren’t trivial for a baseball fan. These are important clues to consider when betting on an outcome. It can be difficult to sort through all the information, which makes analysis challenging. The laws of physics dictate that baseball is a predictable game. As with any sport, handicapping is difficult because there are many improbable results.
Human interaction is a crucial and unpredictable part of the game. Bettors must realize that they will never get it right 100 percent of the time when making smart bets using stats, past player performances, and current team lineups. Professional handicappers are correct 60-65% of the times. You should use all the resources you can if you plan to bet in different ways. This includes straight bets, money lines, and runlines. A good Internet sportsbook is essential to your success.
MLB is often referred to as the brainiest of all sports. The odds makers employ a variety of strategies to determine the favorites, always analysing a wide range of recent statistics for both the team and the individual players. The home field, the field surface and game time are all taken into consideration. Experts don’t base decisions on their hunches and neither should you.
There are many wagering options available on the Internet that weren’t there a decade before. You can place bets that are beyond your basic wagers.
The bet will only cover a specific pitcher.
The bet specifies the two starting pitchers. Any change to either pitcher is not considered a wager.
If Bets: Combination of straight conditional bets (2-4 picks) into one play. If you win a bet on one team and the team loses, then place another bet on another team.
If you bet, play continues only if the previous game wins.
Double Action: The game continues even if the previous round wins, is pushed or cancelled.
Reverse: Combination of all 2 team bets that can have 2-8 selections, combined and reversed. Double action is always reversed.
Parlays are a combination of teams and totals that can be combined into one play or wager. This creates only one type of risk. The parlay is essentially a group of straight bets. Parlays are a collection of straight bets. All straight bets have to be successful for the parlay to be profitable. However, you will get a much higher payout than if you were to place merely one straight bet.
As an example, let’s say that you placed a $100 bet on the Mets. You bet $110 for $100 in winnings (the percentage of the straight-up wager is 10%). You then place another $100 wager on the Giants. You risked $110 again to win $100. It’s $200 to win $100. You could win up to $520 if you bet $200 on a parlay of two teams. (This includes the original $200 bet; therefore, if you win, you’re up $120 from the straight bets.
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